WiFi Network Surveys

NetScout & AirMagnet Surveys

    Health, Education, Business, and Campus Networks
    RF Coverage Heatmaps
    Pass/Fail Analysis
    RF Interference Heatmaps
    AP Placement Recommendation
    AP Configuration Recommendation
    Let us partner with your IT Department and make them look even more outstanding. 
    Put our WLAN experts to work for you from Planning, Survey & Installation to on-going Maintenance and Hardware Refresh Cycles.
    Verified Wireless VoIP Performance. 99.999% availability, the new standard.
    Roaming Cell Analysis
    Multiple AP Coverage Heatmaps
  • Wireless Network Survey Solutions Certified To Meet Design Goals

Wireless Access Point placement is key to a strong WiFi network. As you can see in the heat map above, non-strategically placed access points can lead to areas of signal contamination and pockets of very weak WiFi signal leading to frustrating network use.

Let a White-Harris wireless network survey meet your design goals. Your business may not have the resources to facilitate continuous learning for the IT staff, creating a gap in knowledge. Several years ago wireless technology was being used on a limited basis, but today businesses depend on wireless networks for mission-critical applications.  Wireless network optimal performance is an absolute necessity and network interruption.